Since 1987
Greyhounds By
Finding Homes
Greyhound Pets of America LA/MS
Greyhound Pets of America (GPA LA/MS) is a non-profit 501 c (3) organization dedicated to finding responsible, loving homes for retired racing greyhounds.
Our History
Greyhound Pets of America is a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation founded in 1987 and is the largest single non-profit Greyhound adoption group worldwide, made up of numerous chapters. Serving Greyhounds and people throughout Louisiana and Mississippi, Greyhound Pets of America LA/MS is staffed exclusively by volunteers who are dedicated to finding responsible, loving, permanent homes for retired racing greyhounds and younger dogs that did not become racers. In addition, Greyhound Pets of America LA/MS provides a greyhound adoption service for SPCAs and Humane Societies throughout Louisiana and Mississippi.
Our Mission
Greyhound Pets of America LA/MS places greyhounds throughout Louisiana and Mississippi through a dedicated, active network of placement representatives. Our trained placement representatives provide pre-adoption education, screening, counseling, post-adoption support, and assistance to our adopters. Before going to a new home as a pet, each greyhound is spayed or neutered, inoculations are updated, blood and fecal screenings are conducted, and the dog’s teeth are cleaned. At the time of placement, the dog is fitted with a collar and matching leash and assigned a permanent GPA LA/MS ID tag.

Adopt A greyhound

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Save a Life, Adopt a greyhound
Why Adopt?
The greyhound pet adoption process is straightforward and simple. It is designed to ensure that you get the dog of your dreams. A dog that will fit in well with your lifestyle, with you family, and any other pets you may have. Please be aware that adopting a greyhound is a commitment for the life of the dog.
Greyhound Pet Adoption
Find out how quick and easy it is to adopt a greyhound.
1. The Adoption Application
Before we can consider a potential adopter, we must receive a completed adoption application and the $150.00 application fee. Submit your fee either by check or via the Pay Pal button. Thirty dollars of the application fee may be nonrefundable, at the option of GPA/LA&MS. The application is designed so that we have the information necessary to find the right dog for you. Any preferences or specific requests you have with regard to the dog you would like to adopt (sex, age, etc.) can be indicated in the appropriate section(s) of the application. The adoption application also tells us about you and your other family members – human and/or animal.
We have a few requirements that must be met in order for us to place a greyhound with you. GPA/LA&MS places greyhounds strictly as house pets, not as yard dogs. Greyhounds are inside dogs and must be kept in a climate-controlled area. A fenced yard is highly recommended and in some cases may be required. The fenced area need not be huge; even just a small area where the dog can be let out to stretch his legs and eliminate off-leash can be sufficient. If you do not have a fenced yard you must be able to walk your greyhound the 3 to 4 times a day that he might require. The adoption application states that when outdoors and not behind a fence, greyhounds are to be walked on a leash – with the other end of the leash attached to a person! The adoption application prohibits you from tethering, racing, or hunting with your greyhound. Greyhounds placed by GPA/LA&MS are prohibited from being maintained as blood donors. All greyhounds are spayed or neutered prior to placement, and therefore cannot be bred.
We have two choices for downloading an application, one that you will write on, and one that you may type. Either application can be transmitted back to us via attachment to an email. You may also mail the application to the address listed on the application if you do not want to email it.
2. Interview with local placement representative
Your placement representative will schedule a visit to your home. The adoption process enables us to help you find the greyhound that is the most suitable to your needs, home environment and personality. It also enables both of us to determine whether a greyhound is the most suitable breed for you and your family, or if there might be a reason to delay the adoption until a later date. We do all we can to make every adoption a success story for the greyhounds and their new families.
3. Selecting and adopting your greyhound
The greyhounds we get into GPA/LA&MS’s adoption program are healthy dogs, generally between the ages of two to five years. We virtually never obtain young puppies. Greyhounds come in a wide variety of colors, but interestingly the color gray (known as “blue”), is one of the least-common colors. GPA/LA&MS places about an equal number of males and females; we’ve found very little difference between the sexes, as male greyhounds tend to exhibit less “macho” behavior than many other breeds (i.e. leg-lifting, aggressive behavior). Males generally tend to be larger than females.
If you have very specific parameters with regard to colors, age and/or trait combinations, it could take a long time to find a dog that meets all your requirements. The perfect greyhound for you is more likely to be determined by the dog’s personality and behavioral traits rather than by its color or sex. Greyhounds have widely varying personalities. While most greyhounds do fine when left alone others do not. Some greyhounds are extremely outgoing and others very shy. There is a perfect greyhound out there for every responsible person who wants one.
Some greyhounds have very strong prey drives towards small animals. If your family owns other pets, especially small ones like cats and/or tiny dogs, we strongly recommend that you make your current pet(s) the most important consideration and allow us a little more latitude with regard to other characteristics (especially color!). The less specific your requirements, obviously, the quicker we will be able to help you find the greyhound of your dreams!
Once all parties agree on the right greyhound for you, we will collect the remaining balance of the adoption fee and arrange for you to pick up your greyhound.
4. Continued support from GPA/LA&MS
GPA/LA&MS realizes that you are making a long-term commitment to your greyhound and we want this to be an enjoyable, long-lasting experience for you both. To that end, GPA/LA&MS wants to be there to support you. Should you have problems or issues that you need help resolving, our placement representatives and volunteers are just a phone call or email away. We also have many Meet ‘N’ Greets throughout Louisiana and Mississippi and you are invited to drop by with your greyhound for a visit and to chat about any problems or just to share stories with other greyhound owners. There is a monthly Meet ‘N’ Eat on the north shore and though reservations are required, everyone is invited. Our website has recommended vets, kennels, and greyhound-friendly lodging.
Our Officers
Address: 12216 Dove Hollow Drive
Denham Springs, LA 70726
Telephone: (225-715-4416
Address: 27268 Tag A Long Street Lacombe, LA 70445
Telephone: (985) 882-9674